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  1. The Cuyamaca is almost ready to Move!


    November 30, 2015 by Madison Kirkman

    The car that has been awaiting to move since last October is almost ready, and almost have all the quotes aligned to have the car move as soon as the last bit of work is ready.  I would personally like to thank Mr. Jong of San Diego for donating a gracious donation of $2500 to the cause.  Once the car is moving we will post more photos on here of and after the move.  Again, thank you to all of you who have donated and supported this project along the way.

    Here is a rendering that I made of what the Cuyamaca may one day look like.  This is not based on any paint samplings or historic material on the car, but instead only off of photos and the historical analysis preformed by the Nevada State Railroad Museum.


    McKeen Car Cuyamaca

  2. McKeen Car Cuyamaca


    November 30, 2015 by Madison Kirkman

  3. Texas City Terminal Railroad


    November 29, 2015 by Madison Kirkman

    Photo Courtesy of Edmund Keilty

  4. McKeen Company Paperweights


    May 24, 2015 by Madison Kirkman

    Photo Courtesy of the C.S.R.M. This is the Virginia & Truckee Railroad McKeen Paperweight, now in the private collections of …
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  5. cropped-330-1-2-21.jpg


    January 17, 2015 by Madison Kirkman

  6. Christmas Photograph


    December 24, 2014 by Madison Kirkman

  7. Army Air Service


    December 24, 2014 by Madison Kirkman

    There’s very little information on this engine, before being told about these two photos in the National Archives.  The only
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  8. Tennessee Kentucky & Northern Railroad


    December 24, 2014 by Madison Kirkman

  9. Jamestown, Chautauqua and Lake Erie Railway


    December 24, 2014 by Madison Kirkman

    Postcard Courtesy of Madison Kirkman – M.M.C.C.H.S. In this postcard, you can see Ferris Wheel right in front of the …
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  10. Southern Railway


    December 24, 2014 by Madison Kirkman

    Photo Courtesy of the Marvin Black Collection This is the only known photograph of the Southern Railway #3.  Much Like …
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